Page name: wanna be pumpkins [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-06-21 21:51:16
Last author: Shatureel
Owner: Shatureel
# of watchers: 22
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Wanna Be Pumpkins

Pumpkin Royalty

Queen :
Queen's sister : [Fallen Child Athena] 
Prince :
Princess : [Hereby Deleted] 
Chancellor : [Shatureel]
Chamberlain :  
Grand Duke : dark lord [skullhead]
Grand Duchess : 
Marquess of Pumpkin Land :
Marchioness of Pumpkin Land :
Earl of Pumpkin Land : Count
Countess :
Viscount : 
Viscountess : 
Baron :
Baroness : [playgirl_10]
Royal Flag Maker :

Pumpkin Castle Military

ROYAL GUARD : [crazycookie]
Dungeon Keeper : [DRACE] 
Executioner : [LittleAssassin]
Dragoons (Dragon Knights) : [It takes a disaster to learn a lesson]
_________ : [00000000000]
_________ :
_________ : [Monster Master]
Mage :

Pumpkin Castle Entertainers

Royal Pumkin DJ : [DeeJay™]
Castle Bard :
Castle Head Jesters :[kittykittykitty]
Castle Jesters :
_________ :
_________ :
_________ :
Mischievous Wanderer :
Official Royal Tiger :

Pumpkin Land Citizens

[Drake SC]
[davie_wonder00 (dude)]
[Music of the Night]
[Princess Of Rock]
[Prince Nightbourne]
[former user#5]
[Fallen Child Athena]
[¤ WORLDS ¤happiest¤ EMO ¤™]

If you wish to become a member of Pumpkin Land please send [Shatureel] a message with comment.

[Any member of the Royal Family that is missing from Elfpack more then 3 months will lose there Royal Title]


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Vist the Royal Pumpkin Family
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Take your comments to Pumpkin Land Comments

Also Visit Dreamers/Believers

Rules : Story line must be 4 words. If you wish to talk make sure your messages are in brackets, or something, like DJ said.

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

[Shatureel]: trying to get the............

[Viperess]: toy car over the

[honey bunny]: mountain to where the

[Kenny Kumonu]: nuddist people play golf...........

[DRACE]: and spanks their asses..............

[Viperess]: with tiny little needles

[Fallen Child Athena]: sticking to their hands

[Shatureel]: held there by rubber............

[Viperess]: cement that they thought

[DeeJay™]: would enhance the pain . .

[Viperess]: but instead made the

[Fallen Child Athena]: pain worse, so they

[DRACE]: took out their whips...............

[Fallen Child Athena]: and began to beat

[DRACE]: oh the sreams of...

[Viperess]: tiny ants crawling up

[DRACE]: the honey covered butts...

[Fallen Child Athena]: of the men that

[Shatureel]: inhabit Pumpkin Land, they.........

[Shatureel]: Listen up loyal subjects of Pumpkin Land, the art portion of our contest is not doing very well. I have extended the deadline until the 31st, so that all of you have enough time to make a banner. Read the rules please and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, POST THE CONTEST Halloween Pumpkin Land Contest in your moods or anywhere in your house. Thank you most kindly. 

[Fallen Child Athena]: would strip them od (and i cant make a banner)

[DRACE]: ( chooses not to comment no mores )

[Shatureel]: all they have come.............    

[Viperess]: to find the new

[Morningstar Rising]: witches that roam the...................

[Fallen Child Athena]: wastelands of darkness to

[DRACE]: which their lives change...

[Shatureel]: as they become full................

[Viperess]: of all the mixed

[DeeJay™]: chemiclas dumped there. it . .

[DRACE]: made them glow green...

[DeeJay™]: which was handy around . .

[DRACE]: the bay at night...

[Viperess]: but all the bugs

[DRACE]: thought they were lollies......

[Viperess]: and began swarming around

[DRACE]: and bitting at their...

[Viperess]: little toes causing them

[Shatureel]: to break into hives.................

[Viperess]: making them jump all

[Shatureel]: over each other doing..................

[Viperess]: all kinds of mean

[Shatureel]: and nasty little things...................

[DRACE]: like ripping out hair..........

[Shatureel]: and pulling out fingernails................

[Viperess]: and biting on their

[Shatureel]: backs trying to rip................

[Viperess]: open small holes so

[Shatureel]: the ants can storm...................

[Viperess]: inside to get out

[Shatureel]: of the pumpkin patch....................

[Viperess]: which was growing all

[DRACE]: over the place and......

[Shatureel]: spreading like wild fire....................

[DRACE]: up over the walls......

[Shatureel]: across the green grass................

[DRACE]: and the black forest.......

[Shatureel]: up towards the castle...........

[DRACE]: and over the walls........................

[Shatureel]: seeping through the hallways.............

[DRACE]: and into the throneroom........ ( I don't know if thats one word or not >.< )

[Viperess]: circling the throne of

[Shatureel]: the [pumpkin king], who is.............      [pumpkin king] I count as one word, and throneroom is cool. ^__~

[Viperess]: long gone from the

[Shatureel]: kingdom he so loved................

[Viperess]: to play and sing

[Shatureel]: in the heavens above...............

[Viperess]: while others below look

[DRACE]: like itsie bitsie ants..........

[Viperess]: running all over the

[DRACE]: land and inside blocks...

[Viperess]: of wood with holes

[Shatureel]: made by the cats..............

[Viperess]: who were chasing mice

[Shatureel]: that ran up the.................

[Viperess]: wall trying to get

[Shatureel]: the ballons that were.............

[Viperess]: floating all around from

[Shatureel]: the halloween party that.............

[Viperess]: had been a roaring

[Shatureel]: madness, all the subjects...............

[Viperess]: had drank to much

[DeeJay™]: and ended up sprawled . .

[DRACE]: out upside down on.........

[Viperess]: the thrown of the

[Shatureel]: ancient goddess of time..............

[Viperess]: who jumped in burning

[Shatureel]: the land in her........

[Viperess]: night dress racing through

[Shatureel]: space like a wild...........

[Viperess]: raving crazy lady and

[Shatureel]: she cursed the people...............

[Viperess]: for their uninvolvement in

[Shatureel]: the Pumpkin Land Halloween.............

[Viperess]: contests and the land

[Shatureel]: falls into chaos because.................

[Viperess]: no one seems to

[Shatureel]: care anymore about what..............

[Viperess]: happens to the place

[Fallen Child Athena]: where they found an

[Shatureel]: array of people whom,,,,,,,,,,,,,

[Viperess]: were to busy to

[Shatureel]: to go and vote..........


I want to know what is wrong with the people of Pumpkin Land. Only a handful of you bothered to submit something to the contest and to those (you know who you are) I thank you. To the rest of you I am very disappointed in you. Since you did not enter, the least you can do is go vote to represent Pumpkin Land.

[Fallen Child Athena]: (im sorry..i really am)

[Shatureel]: Its cool sweety I know that you did not have enough time. But you can go and vote for your favorite.

[Fallen Child Athena]: (ok i will......and i did have time....just could not think)

[Shatureel]: okay thanks for being honest. And thanks for voting.

[Fallen Child Athena]: w(welcome)

[Shatureel]: Hi there how you doing today. *hugs*

[Fallen Child Athena]: im good *hugs back*

[Shatureel]: thats good to hear. Not to many people come here anymore, that is kind of sad.

[DeeJay™]: its because there's no story goin on!! 4 words people!! lol

[Fallen Child Athena]: *bites [DeeJay™]* your nuts!

[DeeJay™]: whew! *wipes brow* for a second there i thought you'd bit my nuts!

[Shatureel]: Well you can all make some suggestions. *hummmmmmmmm light bulb goes off in brain*

[Shatureel]: for the best of..............

[DeeJay™]: an hour i sat . .

[Shatureel]: thinking of all those...........

[DeeJay™]: times i could have . .

[Shatureel]: ran naked thorough the..........

[DeeJay™]: cacti fields and stung . .

[Shatureel]: they sure were, but...............

[Fallen Child Athena]: i fell down the

[DeeJay™]: rock-face, and ended up . .

[Shatureel]: in the pond where...........

[DeeJay™]: the lions drank. they . .

[Fallen Child Athena]: looked at me with

[DeeJay™]: pity, and all crowded . .

[Fallen Child Athena]: around me and started

[DeeJay™]: to sing songs about . .

[Fallen Child Athena]: christmas and i looked

[DeeJay™]: shocked to see huge . .

[Fallen Child Athena]: dog chasing the small

[DeeJay™]: toilet roll that had . .

[Fallen Child Athena]: its arm broken because

[DeeJay™]: of 'that incident' with . .

[Fallen Child Athena]: the giant red dragon

[Shatureel]: that burned all the.................

[Fallen Child Athena]: walls down. so i

[DeeJay™]: jumped into my car . .

[Fallen Child Athena]: and rolled up the

[DeeJay™]: street laughing at the . .

[Shatureel]: clowns dancing around the..........

[Fallen Child Athena]: streetlamps as they looked

[Shatureel]: at the burning tower...........

[DRACE]: and called the firemen......

[Fallen Child Athena]: and the firemen came

[DeeJay™]: and joined the clowns . .

[Fallen Child Athena]: danceing around the lamposts

[DeeJay™]: drinking cider, as that . .

[DRACE]: ( you people make an impossible story to follow, even if it is not realy >.< )

[Fallen Child Athena]: big polar bear following (we know [DRACE])

[DeeJay™]: the fish up-stream once . .

[Fallen Child Athena]: fell down into the

[DeeJay™]: nettles and hurt it's . .  (we try, we try) :P

[Fallen Child Athena]: butt as it kept

[Shatureel]: slipping and falling into...............

[DeeJay™]: the rocks. it didn't . .

[Shatureel]: help that they were...........

[DeeJay™]: pointy, as one of . .

[Shatureel]: them cut right through............

[Fallen Child Athena]: its left leg, and

[Shatureel]: the dragon turned when................

[Fallen Child Athena]: it heard a loud

[Kenny Kumonu]: thud from a 34ft..........

[Fallen Child Athena]: house, that was built

[DRACE]: with toothpicks and poo......... ( some houses were built with poo so don't laugh :P )

[Fallen Child Athena]: (have no comment on that)

[DRACE]: and flowers grow from... ( smartass :P )

[Fallen Child Athena]: the garden. Then some (thank you)

[DRACE]: little pigme people raid..... ( no problemo kiddo )

[Fallen Child Athena]: the house of the

[DRACE]: clown on blueberry hill........

[Shatureel]: that got hit by.............

[DeeJay™]: a custard pie 'cause . . .

[DRACE]: he looked like DJ'...

[DeeJay™]: and jealousy took over. . .  :P

[DRACE]: but soon died down.....

[Fallen Child Athena]: as V-chan came home...

[Shatureel]: and took out the............

[DeeJay™]: window that was broken . .

[Shatureel]: when the arrow crashed..........

[Fallen Child Athena]: into it so she.......

[DRACE]: got a sexchange to a.......

[DRACE]: ) sorry about the 5 word bit, but knowing DJ he would have put 'to me' >.< )

[DeeJay™]: male (obviously) and started . .     (haha! so im not a male, huh?)

[DRACE]: making waffles for all... ( no YOU are something else all together doe boy )

[DeeJay™]: topped with maple syrup . .        'somethin else all together'? you make me sound soo good ;) lol

[Fallen Child Athena]: So V-chan began to (i am V-chan)

[Monster Master]: wtf. o_o

[DeeJay™]: scoff down the waffles . .         im the waffles! haha

[Shatureel]: and went back for...............     [DeeJay™], you are a little devil indeed. <img:drunk.gif>

[DRACE]: 2nds and 3rds than............... ( *rolls his eyes* DJ you are as wicked as me... and thas desturbing o.O )

[Fallen Child Athena]: barfs it all up (what the hell am i?)

[Monster Master]: I'm a Dragon Knight. :3

[DRACE]: ( I don't know [Fallen Child Athena] I'm lost ;_; )

[DeeJay™]: onto the shoes of . .         stop the chat! there's a story to write! lol

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